Saturday, November 28, 2015

How to Bake Sweet Potato with Microwave in less than 10 minutes

A great healthy dessert/snack in winter!

No need to turn on the oven at all which consumes a lot of electricity.

1. Put a small size sweet potato on a microwavable plate, and place the place in the microwave. You can also place 2-3 or more sweet potatoes instead of one.
2. 3 to 4  minutes at high heat (or select frozen pizza, hot beverage, etc).
3. Turn the sweet potato around, let the other side face down to allow even heating.
4. Another 3-4 minutes at high heat.

You will hear water sizzling out of the sweet potato. Let it cool down a little. Now it is soft and there is a little molasses at the bottom of the sweet potato. Use a scoop to eat it. 

If the size is larger, you may need to microwave it a little longer (5-6 min) until it is soft.

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