Thursday, November 21, 2013

Translation of the titles of classic novels of Chinese literature

四大名著/The Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature

红楼梦  A Dream of Red Mansions (or Chamber)
三国演义  Romance of Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms
水浒传  Out laws of the Marsh, Water Margin, All men are brothers
西游记  Pilgrimage to the West, Journey to the West

 A link 四大名著 (English) 

Other novels:

镜花缘  Flowers in the mirror, The Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror, or Romance of the Flowers in the Mirror, Reflection of Flowers in the Mirror
聊斋志 Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio or Strange Tales of Liaozhai
封神演义 Romance of Gods, The Investiture of the Gods, Fengshen Yanyi, Fengshen Bang
儒林外史 The Scholars
醒世恒言 Lasting words to awaken the world, Stories to caution the world
警世通言 Ordinary words to warn the world喻世明言 Clear words to illustrate the world
初刻拍案惊奇 Amazing tales-first series
刻拍案惊奇 Amazing tales-second series
老残游记 The Travels of Lao Can
孽海花 Flower in the sea of evil 

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