Sunday, December 1, 2013

How to make healthy milk tea-如何制作健康美味奶茶

Material: black tea bag, whole milk
optional material: sugar, condensed milk, ginger, masala spice powder, etc.
Black tea was bought from WMT for $1, which means 1 cent for each tea bag.
1.Put 1-3 black tea bags in a tea pot (depending on how many cups you want to make).
2.Make 1-4 cups of boiling water in an electric kettle or any kettle that can do the job.
 *Add a piece of fresh ginger, masala spice, or other spice into the water if you like.
3.Add whole milk to a cup according to your preference(1/4 -1/2 cup of milk).
* Add sugar or condensed milk if you prefer.
4.Pour the boiling water into the pot with tea bags. Steep for a few minutes.
5.Pour the hot tea into the cup with milk (normally it is cold out of the refrigerator).
6.Milk tea is ready!
If it is not hot enough, microwave it for 10 seconds or longer.

Cost:1 tea bag-$0.01, whole milk-less than $3 per gallon
1Gallon=3.78541 liters=3785.42 ml=16 cups=128 oz(quart)
Total cost <$1

Black tea is ideal for winter. Almost 0 calory, fat burning. Rich in antioxidants, good for the teeth.

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