Saturday, January 2, 2016

Oregano for Healthy Digestion & Other Health Benefits

Oregano(牛至) herb is widely used in Italian and Greek cuisine as well as in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a native to Mediterranean area and central Asia. The tangy taste of pizza comes from this herb.

The dried herb has stronger flavor than the fresh one. It can be found as a condiment in many grocery stores.

Health Benefits of Oregano Tea:
  • A good source of iron, vitamin K, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. Alternative treatment for common cold, congestion and cough.
  • Contains thymol and carvacrol which are known to fight bacteria.
  • Omega-3 helps in reducing inflammation all over the body. It is also known to lower the risk of heart diseases, arthritis and improve cognitive and behavioral function.
  • It can be used for relieving an asthma attack.
  • A rich source of fiber helps in managing weight.
  • An excellent remedy for menstrual cramps, bloating and lower abdominal pain.
  • Hot tea with honey relieves rheumatism and asthma.
  • Helps in reducing the flatulence and stomach gas.
  • Soothes the nerves. It is a great home remedy for insomnia.
 The best way is to sip it hot and inhaling the hot vapors. Its regular use is known to reduce the ability to absorb iron so it not for pregnancy.

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