Monday, October 26, 2015

Tips to take pictures of ghost

Besides many ways to make a fake ghost picture by long exposures or Photoshop. Ghost can actually be taken by cameras.
Human eyes can only detect visible light with wavelength in the range between 380nm-780nm.
Ghosts register on a lower frequency that can be captured by a digital camera, not by human eye.
Digital cameras can pick up a range of light well beyond that of the human eye.
 Tips for Capturing Ghosts with Your Camera

眼睛疲劳, 干涩, 飞蚊症的穴位治疗

网传: 一位60多岁的老人的成功经验,他原有老花及近视,做这个穴道按压半年后去验视力已达1.2,现在他已不带眼镜。



Monday, October 19, 2015

Nook Tablet stuck at 99% load-solution

I read a lot on Nook tablet. Today when I tried to turn it on to read newly released chapters of a novel as usual. It stopped at 99% and won't finish. I turned it off and turned it back on several with no luck.
After some research online, I found that a Hard reset was necessary.
First, turn the tablet off. Then press Power and the home button at the same time for 1 min. Once the NOOK logo appears, release the buttons. A factory prompt will appear. Presse Home key to continue, press power key to exit. I pressed the home key. Reentered the email address and the password. Reentered the password for wifi. Everything I saved before was lost such as documents and videos. The username has not been deleted.

Friday, October 16, 2015


mirrorless interchangeable lens camera (MILC, or referred to as a "mirrorless camera") has an interchangeable lens without a mirror reflex optical viewfinder.
It is designed to have the advantage of smaller size, lighter weight, and lower cost than SLRs, while users can still swap lenses, unlike most compact cameras.
It will not break your bank or cause any type of myalgia - the best choice for female or less muscular people.
The following is an illustration of the SLR.
MILC does not have the mirror reflex optical viewfinder. The lights reach the sensor through the lens directly.
Currently MILC has sensors of 3 sizes:
Major manufacturers include Olympus, Panasonic, Sony, Fuji, Nikon.
With its smaller size, portability, and decent image quality, it is the perfect camera to carry around.
 Here are some nice accessories for MILC:
wrist strap
This site Mirrorlessons has a lot of information about MILS.

The longest word

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
a lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust.
This is the longest word in any English dictionary. However, it was coined by Everett Smith, the President of The National Puzzlers' League, in 1935 purely for the purpose of inventing a new "longest word". The Oxford English Dictionary described the word as factitious. Nevertheless it also appears in the Webster'sRandom House, and Chambers dictionaries.
超微粒硅酸盐尘埃沉着症, 简称火山肺矽病火山矽肺病
  • pneumono - 關於肺部
  • ultra - 超過
  • microscopic - 極微小的
  • silico - (silicon),旧称矽。
  • volcano - 火山
  • coniosis - 塵埃引致的疾病

a surgical creation of a connection between the gall bladder and a hepatic duct and between the intestine and the gall bladder.
This is the longest word in Gould's Medical Dictionary.
  • 肝管胆管肠吻合术

 From hepatos (liver) 肝+ ikos + chole (bile)胆汁 + angio (blood vessels)血管 + chole (bile) + kysta +enteros (intestine) 肠+ tomia (a cutting) 切

Monday, October 12, 2015


金丸珠弹,红绽黄肥:金丸珠弹腊樱桃,色真甘美;红绽黄肥熟梅子,味果香酸。鲜龙眼,肉甜皮薄;火荔枝,核小囊红。林檎碧实连枝献,枇杷缃苞带叶擎。 兔头梨子鸡心枣,消渴除烦更解酲。香桃烂杏,美甘甘似玉液琼浆;脆李杨梅,酸荫荫如脂酥膏酪。红囊黑子熟西瓜,四瓣黄皮大柿子。石榴裂破,丹砂粒现火晶珠; 芋栗剖开,坚硬肉团金玛瑙。胡桃银杏可传茶,椰子葡萄能做酒。榛松榧柰满盘盛, 桔蔗柑橙盈案摆。熟煨山药,烂煮黄精。捣碎茯苓并薏苡,石锅微火漫炊羹。

(明朝的水果已经非常丰富了, 上面提到三十多水果加坚果,很多在现代超市也见不到.更不用说是有机的而且不分时令地点同时出现.)

The next day the monkeys set out to pick magic peaches, gather rare fruits, dig out yams, and cut
Solomon's−seal. Magic fungus and fragrant orchid were collected, and everything was set on the stone benches and the stone tables, with fairy wine and dishes. You could see:

Golden pills and pearl pellets,

Bursting red and plump yellow.

The golden pills and pearl pellets were winter cherries, beautiful and sweet;

The bursting red and plump yellow were ripe plums, tasty and sharp.

Fresh, sweet−fleshed longans with thin skins.

Fiery lichees with tiny stones in a red sack.

Branch after branch of crab−apples,

Yellow−skinned loquats with their leaves on.

Rabbit−head pears and chicken−heart jujubes

To quench your thirst, remove your cares, and sober you up.

Fragrant peaches and tender apricots,

As sweet and luscious as jade wine.

Crisp plums and arbutus,

As sharp as glistening yogurt.

Ripe melons with red coats and black seeds,

Big, four−sectioned persimmons with yellow skins.

Bursting pomegranates:

Cinnabar pips shining like fire−crystal pearls.

Opened water−chestnuts

With firm round flesh like golden agate.

Walnuts and gingko fruits to eat with tea;

Coconuts and grapes to make into wine.

Dishes loaded with pine cones, yew−nuts, filberts, and crab−apples;

Tangerines, sugar−cane and oranges covering the table.

Hot roast yams,

Tender boiled Solomon's−seal.

Pounded china−root and Job's tears.

Simmered in soup in a stone−pot.

Although we humans have rare delicacies to eat, We are no happier than those monkeys in the mountains.

Journey to the West


the year's last, loveliest smile.
-William Cullen Bryant

Water Primrose

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Diamond Sutra


All conditioned things
Are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows;
Like dew and also like lightning.
Thus should they be contemplated.

Funny Sentences

For what Jenner charged for his deprogramming services, he could afford the best plastic surgeons in the world, but his face had that startled, deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression so common with inferior cosmetic work.

It was an incongruity of little importance, but Max was still surprised by it.

-from a thriller novel

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā

Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā

Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Tang Dynasty
The Tripiṭaka Master Xuanzang from China

As Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva went deep into prajñā-pāramitā, he saw in his illumination the emptiness of the five aggregates, [the realization of] which delivers one from all suffering and tribulations.
    “Śāriputra, form is no different from emptiness; emptiness is no different from form. In effect, form is emptiness and emptiness is form. The same is true for sensory reception, perception, mental processing, and consciousness. Śāriputra, dharmas, with empty appearances, have neither birth nor death, neither impurity nor purity, neither increase nor decrease.
    “Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, nor sensory reception, perception, mental processing, or consciousness; no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mental faculty, nor sights, sounds, scents, flavors, tactile sensations, or mental objects; no spheres, from eye sphere to mental consciousness sphere. There is neither ignorance nor ending of ignorance, neither old age and death nor ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, accumulation [of afflictions], cessation [of suffering], or the path. There is neither wisdom-knowledge nor attainment because there is nothing to attain.
    “Bodhisattvas, because they rely on prajñā-pāramitā, have no hindrances in their minds. Without hindrance, they have no fear. Staying far from inverted dreaming and thinking, they will ultimately attain nirvāṇa. Buddhas of the past, present, and future, because they rely on prajñā-pāramitā, all attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi.
    “Hence, we know that the Prajñā-Pāramitā [Mantra] is the great spiritual mantra, the great illumination mantra, the unsurpassed mantra, the unequaled mantra, which can remove all suffering. It is true, not false. Hence the Prajñā-Pāramitā Mantra is pronounced. Then the mantra goes:

    gate gate pāragate pāra-saṁgate bodhi svāhā ||”

Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā
Translated from the digital Chinese Canon (T08n0251) 


Sunday, October 4, 2015


从民国开始叙述的玄幻+言 情小说. 无心法师不老不死-永远二十几岁, 且颜值高. 与常人一样会感觉痛饿冷热,自愈力惊人-半个脑袋被削仍能长回, 身体被打剩下一只手还可以重新长出一个身体.百毒不侵,百鬼不伤,他的血对鬼有如同镪水般的杀伤力.可谓金刚不坏.
唯一的遗憾是无法向人解释自己为何不会衰老而被视为异类,自杀无法成功,而且无法繁殖后代. 渴望人的陪伴.理想状态是与了解他底细的一男加一女共同生活.女的自然是做他妻子.第一次男的是30岁的顾大人,第二次是妻子的双胞胎弟弟.
一人不老不死似乎也有悲凉之意, 未照见五蕴皆空, 所以仍会感受各种身心痛苦.