Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Eleven Maitri Precepts

By Maitriya Guru Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha 

1. Never discriminate on the basis of name, appearance, complexion, class, belief, community, power, position, or qualification; even discard differentiating between the concepts of material and spiritual.

2. Being acquainted with the Eternal Dharma, the Marga, and the Guru, respect all religions and beliefs.

3. Forsake lying, allegations, counter-allegations, belittling and spreading falsehood through baseless gossip.

4. Forsaking philosophies or ways that make boundaries of divisiveness and difference of opinion, take up the Satya Marga – The Perfect Path.

5. Following the Satya GuruMarga – the True and Perfect GuruPath – throughout life, renouncing evil actions, always remain intent in union with the Guru Tattva – The Guru Essence.

6. Not having reached enlightenment oneself, do not seek to prove what it is with clever words; and while still in confusion, do not make others confused.

7. Renouncing such craven behavior as killing sentient beings and violence, consume wholesome food.

8. Do not hold narrow-minded opinions about people and countries on the basis of national identity.

9. Including oneself in the pursuit of the Satya GuruMarga – the True and Perfect GuruPath – perform actions that benefit the Earth.

10. When one realizes the Truth, the GuruMarga – the GuruPath – takes form, so achieve Enlightenment for all sentient beings.

11. Staying in the highest and deepest state of Chitta – Pure Awareness – be free from all bondage by having assimilated within the self these precepts.

Benefit self and all sentient beings by practicing these precepts being internalized by all sangha members.

May all understand that these precepts are not to bind, rather they are the way to liberation from all bondage.

盾叶鬼臼 Mayapple

Podophyllum peltatum, hogapple, May apple, Indian apple, mayflower, umbrella plant, wild lemon (flavor of the fruit), wild mandrake, American mandrake.